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How to Use E-mail PGP Encryption

Every day internet users send more than 200 billion emails and this statistics makes anonymous e-mail a number one feature to use in day-to-day communication.

Below here is a step by step guide to set up PGP encryption and communicate securely online. The tutorial is developed using Privatoria E-mail service, though one can use any e-mail client supporting this feature. The device used in this installation wizard is MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite. Pay attention that you can set up PGP on any device, regardless of OS.

Step 1

Please login to your Control Panel and go to Services /Anonymous E-Mail / Go to your inbox. You will be redirected to your mail inbox.

Step 2

Go to Settings section in the right top corner of your page. Click Open PGP – Enable OpenPGP – Save.

To start sending encrypted emails you need to first of all generate a KEY and send it to the recipient.

Click on Generate new key. It is recommended to set own password on this step and use it each and every time you want to send/receive encrypted emails. It provides additional security meaning that your PGP email can never be decrypted and/or your  signature is really yours! Please note that this password cannot be reset, but you can create a new one in case you forget it 🙂

Click Generate and wait for about half a minute until it is being generated. Once ready, you will see the following screen

To send an encrypted email you will need to use Public Key. Click View and then choose Send.

Step 3

You will be redirected to email interface ready to send your email. Send this email to the recipient first and wait until they send you their key. Once received click Import. Now, once the key is received you can proceed with sending the actual both-end encrypted email. Type in the recipient’s email, add subject  and body of your email.

To finalize the encryption click on PGP Sign/Encrypt and proceed further. You will receive a message “OpenPGP supports plain text only. Click OK to remove all the formatting and continue.” Click OK.

NB! Private key is your own key that encrypts the data and is being generated for you only.

Email recipient should use any email client supporting PGP encryption function.


The Role of WebRTC Technology In Online Security

WebRTC technology is rather new (spearheaded by Google in 2012 through the World Wide Web Consortium). It is a free project that provides browsers with Real-Time Communications. The technology is now widely used in live help customer support solutions, webinar platforms, chat rooms for dating, etc. But there are too little solutions for enhanced safety. It’s weird. Since this technology offers great opportunities in this field.

WebRTC opens great opportunities in secure communications online

In the case of WebRTC technology to create a communication channel between subscribers is used Peer to Peer method. At the same time, there is no data transfer to any server. It is a great advantage. This ensures the confidentiality of transmitted information.

The majority of modern communication services works through central server. It means that all history is stored on the server and third parties can get access to them.

Using WebRTC technology security provider Privatoria.net developed a solution for confidential communication online in 2013. The main difference is the absence of data transfer to the server. Only the subscribers’ web browsers are used.


Chat service provides users with an opportunity to exchange messages by establishing a direct connection between their browsers and uses Peer to Peer method to communicate online.

To create a communication channel between subscribers it is enough to get a one-time key, and pass it to the called subscriber by any means of communication available. When the communication session is over, the history is deleted and the browser is closed, all correspondence between the subscribers disappears from the system.

In such case, no one can gain access to the content of communications.

A user will benefit from:

  • Secure text messaging
  • Secure Voice Call
  • Secure Video Call
  • Secure Data Transfer

As WebRTC supports not all browsers, Secure Chat solution works only in Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla. At now developers are working on beta application for Android which will be available in Google Play Market in the nearest month.

Therefore, it is good chance for all us today to communicate securely online.