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Securing the software supply chain in the cloud

The software supply chain is considered one of the common threats in today’s modern cloud-native development, which poses a high risk to any organization.

It is about consuming software packages, source code, or even APIs from a third-party or untrusted source.

The last thing we wish to do is to block developers from building new applications, but we need to understand the threats to the software supply chain.

What are the common threats?

There are a couple of common threats that can arise from a software supply chain attack:

As we can see, most supply chain attacks begin with a download of an untrusted piece of code, which leads to malware infection, or pulling data from an external API, which inserts unverified data into a backend system.

Steps to mitigate the risk of supply chain attacks

The modern development lifecycle is based on CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment or Delivery), we can embed security gates at various stages of the CI/CD pipeline, as explained below.

Source Code

  • Scan for software vulnerabilities (such as binaries and open-source libraries), before storing components/code/libraries inside VM or container images inside an image repository.

Example of services:

  • Amazon Inspector – Vulnerability scanner for Amazon EC2, container images (inside Amazon ECR), and Lambda functions
  • Microsoft Defender for Containers – Vulnerability scanner for containers
  • Google Container Analysis – Vulnerability scanner for containers
  • Scan your code stored in your repositories, to make sure it does not contain sensitive data (such as secrets, API keys, credentials, etc.)

Example of tools:

Example of tools:

  • Snyk – Scan for open-source, code, container, and Infrastructure-as-Code vulnerabilities
  • Trivy – Scan for open-source, code, container, and Infrastructure-as-Code vulnerabilities
  • Chekov – Scan for open-source and Infrastructure-as-Code vulnerabilities
  • KICS – Scan for Infrastructure-as-Code vulnerabilities
  • Terrascan – Scan for Infrastructure-as-Code vulnerabilities
  • Kubescape – Scan for Kubernetes vulnerabilities
  • Scan your binaries to verify their trustworthiness – especially important when you import binaries from an external source.

Example of services:


  • Create a private repository for storing source code, VM images, or container images
  • Enforce authentication and authorization for who can access and make changes to the repository
  • Sign all source code/images stored in the repository
  • Audit access to the repositories

Example of services for storing source code:

Example of services for storing VM images:

Example of services for storing container images:

Example of service for storing serverless code:

Authentication & Authorization

  • Configure authentication and authorization process (who has written permissions to the repository), and enforce the use of MFA.

Example of services:

Example of services:

Handling data from external APIs

There are many cases where we rely on data from external third parties, exposed using APIs.

Since we cannot verify the trustworthiness of external data, we must follow the following guidelines:

  • Never rely on unauthenticated APIs – always make sure the connectivity to the external APIs requires proper authentication (such as certificates, rotated API key, etc.) and proper
  • Always make sure the remote API enforces proper authorization mechanism – if the remote API allows admin or even write access to anyone on the Internet, the data it provides is not considered trusted anymore
  • Always make sure data is encrypted at transit – it allows to keep data confidentiality and provides a high degree of trust in the remote endpoint
  • Always perform input validation and proper escaping, before storing data from an external source into any backend database

For further reading, see:


In the post, we have reviewed threats as a result of software supply chain vulnerabilities, and various tools and services that can assist us in securing the modern development process of cloud-native applications.

It is possible to mitigate the risks coming from the software supply chain, whether it is code that we develop in-house or code/binaries/libraries that we import from a third-party source, but we must always follow the concept of “Trust but verify”.


Using immutable infrastructure to achieve cloud security

Maintaining cloud infrastructure, especially compute components, requires a lot of effort – from patch management, secure configuration, and more.

Other than the efforts it takes for the maintenance part, it simply will not scale.

Will we be able to support our workloads when we need to scale to thousands of machines at peak?

Immutable infrastructure is a deployment method where compute components (virtual machines, containers, etc.) are never updated – we simply replace a running component with a new one and decommission the old one.

Immutable infrastructure has its advantages, such as:

  • No dependent on previous VM/container state
  • No configuration drifts
  • The fast configuration management process
  • Easy horizontal scaling
  • Simple rollback/recovery process

The Twelve-Factor App

Designing modern or cloud-native applications requires us to follow 12 principles, documents in https://12factor.net

Looking at this guide, we see that factor number 3 (config) guides us to store configuration in environment variables, outside our code (or VMs/containers).

For further reading, see:

  • The Twelve-Factor App – Config


  • AWS – Applying the Twelve-Factor App Methodology to Serverless Applications


  • Azure – The Twelve-Factor Application


  • GCP – Twelve-factor app development on Google Cloud


If we continue to follow the guidelines, factor number 6 (processes) guides us to create stateless processes, meaning, separating the execution environment and the data, and keeping all stateful or permanent data in an external service such as a database or object storage.

For further reading, see:

  • The Twelve-Factor App – Processes


How do we migrate to immutable infrastructure?

Build a golden image

Follow the cloud vendor’s documentation about how to download the latest VM image or container image (from a container registry), update security patches, binaries, and libraries to the latest version, customize the image to suit the application’s needs, and store the image in a central image repository.

It is essential to copy/install only necessary components inside the image and remove any unnecessary components – it will allow you to keep a minimal image size and decrease the attack surface.

It is recommended to sign your image during the storage process in your private registry, to make sure it was not changed and that it was created by a known source.

For further reading, see:

  • Automate OS Image Build Pipelines with EC2 Image Builder


  • Creating a container image for use on Amazon ECS


  • Azure VM Image Builder overview


  • Build and deploy container images in the cloud with Azure Container Registry Tasks


  • Create custom images


  • Building container images


Create deployment pipeline

Create a CI/CD pipeline to automate the following process:

  • Check for new software/binaries/library versions against well-known and signed repositories
  • Pull the latest image from your private image repository
  • Update the image with the latest software and configuration changes in your image registry
  • Run automated tests (unit tests, functional tests, acceptance tests, integration tests) to make sure the new build does not break the application
  • Gradually deploy a new version of your VMs / containers and decommission old versions

For further reading, see:

  • Create an image pipeline using the EC2 Image Builder console wizard


  • Create a container image pipeline using the EC2 Image Builder console wizard


  • Streamline your custom image-building process with the Azure VM Image Builder service


  • Build a container image to deploy apps using Azure Pipelines


  • Creating the secure image pipeline


  • Using the secure image pipeline


Continues monitoring

Continuously monitor for compliance against your desired configuration settings, security best practices (such as CIS benchmark hardening settings), and well-known software vulnerabilities.

In case any of the above is met, create an automated process, and use your previously created pipeline to replace the currently running images with the latest image version from your registry.

For further reading, see:

  • How to Set Up Continuous Golden AMI Vulnerability Assessments with Amazon Inspector


  • Scanning Amazon ECR container images with Amazon Inspector


  • Manage virtual machine compliance


  • Use Defender for Containers to scan your Azure Container Registry images for vulnerabilities


  • Automatically scan container images for known vulnerabilities



In this article, we have reviewed the concept of immutable infrastructure, its benefits, and the process for creating a secure, automated, and scalable solution for building immutable infrastructure in the cloud.


  • The History of Pets vs Cattle and How to Use the Analogy Properly


  • Deploy using immutable infrastructure


  • Immutable infrastructure CI/CD using Jenkins and Terraform on Azure


  • Automate your deployments


Where is the OSI model in the public cloud?

When talking about the public cloud, I always like the analogy to the OSI model.

“The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) is a conceptual model. Communications between a computing system are split into seven different abstraction layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application” (Wikipedia)

A similar and shorter model of the OSI model is the TCP/IP model.

Here is a comparison of the two models:

In the public cloud, we find a similar concept when talking about the shared responsibility model, where we draw the line of responsibility between the public cloud provider and the customers, in the different cloud service models, usually in terms of security, as we can see in the diagram below:

Where do public cloud services fit in the OSI model?

There are many networks related services in each of the major public cloud providers.

To make things easy to understand, I have prepared the following diagram, comparing common network-related services to the various OSI model layers:

Encryption / Cryptography and the OSI Model

Layer 6 of the OSI model is the presentation layer.

Among the things, we can find in this layer is data encryption.

Encryption in this context is about encryption at rest – from object storage, block storage, file storage, and various data services.

Encryption includes symmetric and asymmetric encryption keys, secrets, passwords, API keys, certificates, etc.

The process includes the generation, storage, retrieval, and rotation of encryption keys.

Here are the most common encryption /cryptography-related services:

Identity Management and the OSI Model

Layer 7 of the OSI model is the application layer.

Among the things we can find in this layer are related to authentication and authorization, or the entire identity management.

Identity management is about managing the entire lifecycle of identity – from an end user, service account, computer accounts, etc.

The process includes account provisioning, password management (and MFA), permission management (role assignments), and finally account de-provisioning.

Here are the most common identity-related services:

How does everything come together?

When reviewing a cloud architecture, I like to compare the various services in the architecture to the different layers of the OSI model, from the bottom up:

  • Network connectivity and traffic flow
  • Encryption (according to data sensitivity)
  • Authentication and Authorization (according to the least privilege principle)

The OSI model analogy, assist me to make sure I do not forget any important aspect when reviewing an architecture for a cloud workload.

Sustainability in the cloud era

When thinking about cloud computing, we immediately think about technology.

Have we ever stopped to think about how much energy this sort of technology requires to operate an average cloud data center, and what is the environmental effect of running such huge data centers around the world?

Data centers generate around 1% of the energy consumed around the world, daily.

Data centers consume a lot of energy – electricity (for running the servers) and water (for cooling the servers).

The more energy a common data center consumes, the bigger its carbon footprint (the total amount of greenhouse gases that is generated by running a data center).

In the past couple of years, there is a new concept for professionals working with cloud services, with high environmental awareness called cloud sustainability.

The idea behind it (from a cloud provider’s point of view) is to achieve 100% renewable energy – replace fuel-based electricity with wind and solar power, within a few years.

All major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, and GCP) put a lot of effort into building a new data center to be powered by green energy and making changes to the existing data center to lower their emissions as much as possible and use green energy as well.

To remain transparent to their customers, the major cloud providers have created carbon footprint tools:

  • AWS customer carbon footprint tool


  • Microsoft Sustainability Calculator


  • GCP Carbon Footprint


  • Cloud Carbon Footprint (Open source) tool


Indeed, most of the responsibility for keeping the cloud data centers green is under the responsibility of the cloud providers, since they build and maintain their data centers, but what is our responsibility as consumers?

As an example, here is AWS’s point of view regarding the shared responsibility model, in the context of sustainability:

Source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wellarchitected/latest/sustainability-pillar/the-shared-responsibility-model.html

How to act as responsible cloud consumers?

Region selection

Review business requirements (compliance, latency, cost, service, and features), and pay attention to regions with a low carbon footprint.

Additional information:

  • AWS – What to Consider when Selecting a Region for your Workloads


  • Carbon-free energy for Google Cloud regions


  • Measuring greenhouse gas emissions in data centers: the environmental impact of cloud computing


Architecture design considerations

Use cloud-native design patterns:

  • Microservices – use containers (and Kubernetes) to deploy your applications and leverage the scaling capabilities of the cloud
  • Serverless – use serverless (or function as a service) whenever you can decouple your applications into small functions
  • Use message queues as much as possible, to decouple your applications and lower the number of requests between the various services/components
  • Use caching mechanisms to lower the number of queries to backend systems

Infrastructure considerations

Embed the following as part of your infrastructure considerations:

  • Right-sizing – when using VMs, always remember to right-size the VM size to your application demands
  • Use up-to-date hardware – when using VMs, always use the latest VM family types and the latest block storage type, to suit your application demands
  • ARM-based processors – consider using ARM processors (such as AWS Graviton Processor, Azure Ampere Altra Arm-based processors, GCP Ampere Altra Arm processors, and more), whenever your application supports the ARM technology (for better performance and lower cost)
  • Idle hardware – monitor and shut down (or even delete) unused or idle hardware (VMs, databases, etc.)
  • GPU – use GPUs only for tasks that are considered more efficient than CPUs (such as machine learning, rendering, transcoding, etc.)
  • Spot instances – use spot instances, whenever your application supports sudden interruptions
  • Schedule automatic start and stop of VMs – use scheduling capabilities (such as AWS Instance scheduler, Azure Start/Stop VMs, GCP start and stop virtual machine (VM) instances, etc.) to control the behavior of your workload VMs
  • Managed services – prefer to use PaaS or managed services (from databases, storage, load-balancers, and more)
  • Data lifecycle management – use object storage (or file storage) lifecycle policies to archive or remove unused or unnecessary data
  • Auto-scaling – use the cloud built-in capabilities to scale horizontally according to your application load
  • Content Delivery Network – use CDN (such as Amazon CloudFront, Azure Content Delivery Network, Google Cloud CDN, etc.) to lower the amount of customer traffic to your publicly exposed workloads


Sustainability and green computing are here to stay.

Although the large demand for cloud services has a huge environmental impact, I strongly believe that the use of cloud services is much more environmentally friendly than any use of legacy data center, for the following reasons:

  • Efficient hardware utilization (nearly 100% of hardware utilization)
  • Fast hardware replacement (due to high utilization)
  • Better energy use (high use of renewable energy sources to support the electricity requirements)

I advise all cloud customers, to put sustainability higher in their design considerations.

Additional reading materials

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework – Sustainability Pillar


  • Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework – Sustainability


  • Google Cloud – Design for environmental sustainability


Data protection in cloud services

Storing data in the cloud, raise questions regarding data protection.

Data can be customers’ data (PII, healthcare data, credit cards, etc.), company data (financial information, trade secrets, security vulnerabilities, etc.), or any information with value to our organization.

As in the traditional data center, we still have concerns regarding who has access to our data and what can he do with the access provided.

In this blog post, I will review the required controls for protecting data stored in cloud services.

Data discovery and classification

The first action we need to take regarding sensitive data is discovery and classification.

Data classification is the action of assigning labels or categories to our data, such as public information, internal, confidential, highly confidential, etc.

Discovery tools allow us to detect where we store sensitive information in storage locations such as object storage, file storage, databases, and more.

Examples of services for the discovery process:

  • Amazon Macie – discover sensitive information stored in Amazon S3 buckets.
  • Microsoft Purview – map and discover data on-premise and in the cloud.


Entitlement deals with the questions – who has access, to what resources, and what can he do with his access rights?

In any access request, we should always make sure the identity (human, service account, computer account, etc.) is authenticated against our system, preferably using a central identity provider.

Once the identity is authenticated against our system, we need to make sure it has proper access rights to take the exact number of privileges required to accomplish its desired task, according to the principle of least privilege (such as view configuration, read customer data, update records, etc.)

Entitlement combines authentication with authorization.

Examples of services for entitlements:


To protect data, we need to protect it in any state the data resides:

  • Data in transit – all cloud services (from object storage, file storage, and databases) support encryption in transit using TLS protocol. Unlike the traditional data center where encryption in transit was either not supported or required an additional effort from our side, in the cloud, services support encryption in transit by default, and in many cases, we have no option to disable this feature.
  • Data at rest – all cloud storage services (from object storage, file storage, and databases) support encryption at rest using the AES256 algorithm.

In the traditional data center, encryption key management and key rotation were challenging.

Today, most cloud providers allow us to choose between encryption at rest using encryption keys generated and managed by the cloud provider, or using encryption keys that we generate and control (to minimize the risk of rough cloud provider admin having access to our data).

Examples of services for storing encryption keys and sensitive data:
AWS KMS – controls the entire lifecycle of cryptographic keys.
AWS Secrets Manager – controls the entire lifecycle of secrets, credentials, API keys, etc.
Azure Key Vault – controls the entire lifecycle of cryptographic keys, secrets, credentials, API keys, etc.

  • Data in use – even if we encrypt the data while in transit and while at rest, at some point, we need to have the data accessible for reading or update, while in the memory of a server in the cloud. The common name for this technology is “confidential computing“, which in most cases relies upon hardware capabilities to encrypt data and make sure data in memory is kept confidential.

Examples of solutions that provide confidential computing capabilities:

Auditing and threat detection

The final action we need to take protecting data is to audit who accessed our data and detect anomalous behavior with actions performed on our data.

Although it is considered a detective control, it is still an important phase in data control.

Examples of services that perform audit trails:

Now that we record all actions, we need a solution to review the logs and notify us about anomalous behavior that requires our attention.

Examples of threat detection services:


In this blog post, I have reviewed the necessary controls for protecting data stored in the cloud.

It is essential to understand that to get effective protection for data stored in the cloud, we must configure strong controls of both encryption at rest (preferred with customer-managed encryption keys), combined with entitlement process (which enforces the least privilege) – we cannot rely on single security control and pray that no unauthorized person will ever access our data.

Automation as key to cloud adoption success

After deploying several workloads in the public cloud, making mistakes, failing, fixing, and beginning using the cloud for production workloads, it is now the time to think about the next step in cloud adoption.

To be able to fully embrace the benefits of the public cloud, the scale, the elasticity, and the short time it takes to deploy new resources, it is time to put automation in place.

Automation allows us to do the same tasks over and over again, deploying the same configuration to multiple environments (Dev, Test, Prod) and get the same results – no human errors (assuming you have tested your code…)

Automation can be achieved in various ways – from using the CLI, using the cloud vendor’s SDK (languages such as Python, Go, Java, and more), or using Infrastructure as Code (such as Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, and more).

In this article, we shall review some of the common alternatives for using automation using code.

Why use code?

The clear benefit of using code for automation is the ability to have change management. Simply choose your favorite source control (such as GitHub, AWS CodeCommit, Azure Repos, and more), upload your scripts and have the version history of your code, and be able to know at each stage who made changes to the code.

Another benefit of using code for automation is the fact that the Internet is full of samples you can find to automate (almost) anything in your cloud environment.

The downside of doing everything using code, is the learning curve required by your organization’s IT or DevOps teams, learning new languages, but once they pass this stage, you can have all the benefits of the scripting languages.

Automation – the AWS way

If AWS is your sole cloud provider, you should learn and start using the following built-in services or capabilities offered by AWS:

Infrastructure as Code

  • AWS CloudFormation – The built-in IaC for deploying and managing AWS resources.

Reference: https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-samples

  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) – Ability to write CloudFormation templates, based on common programming languages such as Python, Java, DotNet, and more.

Reference: https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples

Policy as Code

  • Service control policies (SCPs) – Managing permissions in AWS Organizations.

Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies_scps_examples.html

CI/CD pipeline

  • AWS CodePipeline – A fully managed continuous delivery service.

Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/tutorials.html

Containers and Kubernetes

  • Amazon ECS – Container management service based on the AWS platform.

Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/example_task_definitions.html

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) – Managed Kubernetes service.

Reference: https://github.com/aws-quickstart/quickstart-amazon-eks

Automation – the Azure way

If Azure is your sole cloud provider, you should learn and start using the following built-in services or capabilities offered by Azure:

Infrastructure as Code

  • Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates) – The built-in IaC for deploying and managing Azure resources.

Reference: https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates

  • Bicep – Declarative language for deploying Azure resources.

Reference: https://github.com/Azure/azure-docs-bicep-samples

Policy as Code

  • Azure Policy – Enforce organizational standards across the Azure organization.

Reference: https://github.com/Azure/azure-policy

CI/CD pipeline

  • Azure Pipelines – A fully managed continuous delivery service.

Reference: https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-yaml

Containers and Kubernetes

  • Azure Container Instances – Container management service based on the Azure platform.

Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/browse/?products=azure&terms=container%2Binstance

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) – Managed Kubernetes service.

Reference: https://github.com/Azure/AKS

Automation – the Google Cloud way

If GCP is your sole cloud provider, you should learn and start using the following built-in services or capabilities offered by GCP:

Infrastructure as Code

  • Google Cloud Deployment Manager – The built-in IaC for deploying and managing GCP resources.

Reference: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/deploymentmanager-samples

Policy as Code

  • Google Organization Policy Service – Programmatic control over the organization’s cloud resources.

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/org-policy-constraints#how-to_guides

CI/CD pipeline

  • Google Cloud Build – A fully managed continuous delivery service.

Reference: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-build-samples

Containers and Kubernetes

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) – Managed Kubernetes service.

Reference: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes-engine-samples

Automation – the cloud agnostic way

If you plan for the future, plan for multi-cloud. Look for solutions that are capable of connecting to multiple cloud environments, to decrease the learning curve of your DevOps team learning the various scripting languages and being able to deploy workloads on several cloud environments.

Infrastructure as Code

  • Hashicorp Terraform – The most widely used IaC for deploying and managing resources on both cloud and on-premise.

Reference: https://registry.terraform.io/browse/providers

Policy as Code

  • Hashicorp Sentinel – Policy as code framework that compliments Terraform code.

Reference: https://www.terraform.io/cloud-docs/sentinel/examples

CI/CD pipeline

  • Jenkins – The most widely used open-source CI/CD tool.

Reference: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/examples/

Containers and Kubernetes

  • Docker – The most widely used container run-time for deploying applications.

Reference: https://github.com/dockersamples

  • Kubernetes – The most widely used container orchestration open-source platform.

Reference: https://github.com/kubernetes/examples


In this post, I have reviewed the most common solutions that allow you to automate your workloads’ deployment, management, and maintenance using various scripting languages.

Some of the solutions are bound to a specific cloud provider, while others are considered cloud agnostic.

Use automation to fully embrace the power and benefits of the public cloud.

If you don’t have experience writing code, take the time to learn. The more you practice, the more experience you will gain.

As Werner Vogels, the Amazon CTO always says – “Go Build”.

Journey for writing my first book about cloud security

My name is Eyal, and I am a cloud architect.

I have been in the IT industry since 1998 and began working with public clouds in 2015.

Over the years I have gained hands-on experience working on the infrastructure side of AWS, Azure, and GCP.

The more I worked with the various services from the three major cloud providers, the more I had the urge to compare the cloud providers’ capabilities, and I have shared several blog posts comparing the services.

In 2021 I was approached by PACKT publishing after they came across one of my blog posts on social media, and they offered me the opportunity to write a book about cloud security, comparing AWS, Azure, and GCP services and capabilities.

Over the years I have published many blog posts through social media and public websites, but this was my first experience writing an entire book with the support and assistance of a well-known publisher.

As with any previous article, I began by writing down each chapter title and main headlines for each chapter.

Once the chapters were approved, I moved on to write the actual chapters.

For each chapter, I first wrote down the headlines and then began filling them with content.

Before writing each chapter, I have done research on the subject, collected references from the vendors’ documentation, and looked for security best practices.

Once I have completed a chapter, I submitted it for review by the PACKT team.

PACKT team, together with external reviewers, sent me their input, things to change, additional material to add, request for relevant diagrams, and more.

Since copyright and plagiarism are important topics to take care of while writing a book, I have prepared my diagrams and submitted them to PACKT.

Finally, after a lot of review and corrections, which took almost a year, the book draft was submitted to another external reviewer and once comments were fixed, the work on the book (at least from my side as an author) was completed.

From my perspective, the book is unique by the fact that it does not focus on a single public cloud provider, but it constantly compares between the three major cloud providers.

From a reader’s point of view or someone who only works with a single cloud provider, I recommend focusing on the relevant topics according to the target cloud provider.

For each topic, I made a list of best practices, which can also be referenced as a checklist for securing the cloud providers’ environment, and for each recommendation I have added reference for further reading from the vendors’ documentation.

If you are interested in learning how to secure cloud environments based on AWS, Azure, or GCP, my book is available for purchase in one of the following book stores:

  • Amazon:


  • Barnes & Noble:




Not all cloud providers are built the same

When organizations debate workload migration to the cloud, they begin to realize the number of public cloud alternatives that exist, both U.S hyper-scale cloud providers and several small to medium European and Asian providers.

The more we study the differences between the cloud providers (both IaaS/PaaS and SaaS providers), we begin to realize that not all cloud providers are built the same.

How can we select a mature cloud provider from all the alternatives?


Mature cloud providers will make sure you don’t have to look around their website, to locate their security compliance documents, allow you to download their security controls documentation, such as SOC 2 Type II, CSA Star, CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), etc.

What happens if we wish to evaluate the cloud provider by ourselves?

Will the cloud provider (no matter what cloud service model), allow me to conduct a security assessment (or even a penetration test), to check the effectiveness of his security controls?

Global presence

When evaluating cloud providers, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Does the cloud provider have a local presence near my customers?
  2. Will I be able to deploy my application in multiple countries around the world?
  3. In case of an outage, will I be able to continue serving my customers from a different location with minimal effort?


Deploying an application for the first time, we might not think about it, but what happens in the peak scenario?

Will the cloud provider allow me to deploy hundreds or even thousands of VM’s (or even better, containers), in a short amount of time, for a short period, from the same location?

Will the cloud provider allow me infinite scale to store my data in cloud storage, without having to guess or estimate the storage size?


As customers, we expect our cloud providers to offer us a fully private environment.

We never want to hear about “noisy neighbor” (where one customer is using a lot of resources, which eventually affect other customers), and we never want to hear a provider admits that some or all of the resources (from VMs, database, storage, etc.) are being shared among customers.

Will the cloud provider be able to offer me a commitment to a multi-tenant environment?


One of the major reasons for migrating to the cloud is the ability to re-architect our services, whether we are still using VMs based on IaaS, databases based on PaaS, or fully managed CRM services based on SaaS.

In all scenarios, we would like to have a stable service with zero downtime.

Will the cloud provider allow me to deploy a service in a redundant architecture, that will survive data center outage or infrastructure availability issues (from authentication services, to compute, storage, or even network infrastructure) and return to business with minimal customer effect?


In the modern cloud era, everything is based on API (Application programming interface).

Will the cloud provider offer me various APIs?

From deploying an entire production environment in minutes using Infrastructure as Code, to monitoring both performances of our services, cost, and security auditing – everything should be allowed using API, otherwise, it is simply not scale/mature/automated/standard and prone to human mistakes.

Data protection

Encrypting data at transit, using TLS 1.2 is a common standard, but what about encryption at rest?

Will the cloud provider allow me to encrypt a database, object storage, or a simple NFS storage using my encryption keys, inside a secure key management service?

Will the cloud provider allow me to automatically rotate my encryption keys?

What happens if I need to store secrets (credentials, access keys, API keys, etc.)? Will the cloud provider allow me to store my secrets in a secured, managed, and audited location?

In case you are about to store extremely sensitive data (from PII, credit card details, healthcare data, or even military secrets), will the cloud provider offer me a solution for confidential computing, where I can store sensitive data, even in memory (or in use)?

Well architected

A mature cloud provider has a vast amount of expertise to share knowledge with you, about how to build an architecture that will be secure, reliable, performance efficient, cost-optimized, and continually improve the processes you have built.

Will the cloud provider offer me rich documentation on how to achieve all the above-mentioned goals, to provide your customers the best experience?

Will the cloud provider offer me an automated solution for deploying an entire application stack within minutes from a large marketplace?

Cost management

The more we broaden our use of the IaaS / PaaS service, the more we realize that almost every service has its price tag.

We might not prepare for this in advance, but once we begin to receive the monthly bill, we begin to see that we pay a lot of money, sometimes for services we don’t need, or for an expensive tier of a specific service.

Unlike on-premise, most cloud providers offer us a way to lower the monthly bill or pay for what we consume.

Regarding cost management, ask yourself the following questions:

Will the cloud provider charge me for services when I am not consuming them?

Will the cloud provider offer me detailed reports that will allow me to find out what am I paying for?

Will the cloud provider offer me documents and best practices for saving costs?


Answering the above questions with your preferred cloud provider, will allow you to differentiate a mature cloud provider, from the rest of the alternatives, and to assure you that you have made the right choice selecting a cloud provider.

The answers will provide you with confidence, both when working with a single cloud provider, and when taking a step forward and working in a multi-cloud environment.


Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk (STAR)


SOC 2 – SOC for Service Organizations: Trust Services Criteria


Confidential Computing and the Public Cloud


Confidential computing: an AWS perspective


AWS Well-Architected


Azure Well-Architected Framework


Google Cloud’s Architecture Framework


Oracle Architecture Center


Alibaba Cloud’s Well-Architectured Framework


The Future of Data Security Lies in the Cloud

We have recently read a lot of posts about the SolarWinds hack, a vulnerability in a popular monitoring software used by many organizations around the world.

This is a good example of supply chain attack, which can happen to any organization.

We have seen similar scenarios over the past decade, from the Heartbleed bug, Meltdown and Spectre, Apache Struts, and more.

Organizations all around the world were affected by the SolarWinds hack, including the cybersecurity company FireEye, and Microsoft.

Events like these make organizations rethink their cybersecurity and data protection strategies and ask important questions.

Recent changes in the European data protection laws and regulations (such as Schrems II)  are trying to limit data transfer between Europe and the US.

Should such security breaches occur? Absolutely not.

Should we live with the fact that such large organization been breached? Absolutely not!

Should organizations, who already invested a lot of resources in cloud migration move back workloads to on-premises? I don’t think so.

But no organization, not even major financial organizations like banks or insurance companies, or even the largest multinational enterprises, have enough manpower, knowledge, and budget to invest in proper protection of their own data or their customers’ data, as hyperscale cloud providers.

There are several of reasons for this:

  1. Hyperscale cloud providers invest billions of dollars improving security controls, including dedicated and highly trained personnel.
  2. Breach of customers’ data that resides at hyperscale cloud providers can drive a cloud provider out of business, due to breach of customer’s trust.
  3. Security is important to most organizations; however, it is not their main line of expertise.
    Organization need to focus on their core business that brings them value, like manufacturing, banking, healthcare, education, etc., and rethink how to obtain services that support their business goals, such as IT services, but do not add direct value.

Recommendations for managing security

Security Monitoring

Security best practices often state: “document everything”.
There are two downsides to this recommendation: One, storage capacity is limited and two, most organizations do not have enough trained manpower to review the logs and find the top incidents to handle.

Switching security monitoring to cloud-based managed systems such as Azure Sentinel or Amazon Guard​Duty, will assist in detecting important incidents and internally handle huge logs.


Another security best practice state: “encrypt everything”.
A few years ago, encryption was quite a challenge. Will the service/application support the encryption? Where do we store the encryption key? How do we manage key rotation?

In the past, only banks could afford HSM (Hardware Security Module) for storing encryption keys, due to the high cost.

Today, encryption is standard for most cloud services, such as AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault, Google Cloud KMS and Oracle Key Management.

Most cloud providers, not only support encryption at rest, but also support customer managed key, which allows the customer to generate his own encryption key for each service, instead of using the cloud provider’s generated encryption key.

Security Compliance

Most organizations struggle to handle security compliance over large environments on premise, not to mention large IaaS environments.

This issue can be solved by using managed compliance services such as AWS Security Hub, Azure Security Center, Google Security Command Center or Oracle Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB).

DDoS Protection

Any organization exposing services to the Internet (from publicly facing website, through email or DNS service, till VPN service), will eventually suffer from volumetric denial of service.

Only large ISPs have enough bandwidth to handle such an attack before the border gateway (firewall, external router, etc.) will crash or stop handling incoming traffic.

The hyperscale cloud providers have infrastructure that can handle DDoS attacks against their customers, services such as AWS Shield, Azure DDoS Protection, Google Cloud Armor or Oracle Layer 7 DDoS Mitigation.

Using SaaS Applications

In the past, organizations had to maintain their entire infrastructure, from messaging systems, CRM, ERP, etc.

They had to think about scale, resilience, security, and more.

Most breaches of cloud environments originate from misconfigurations at the customers’ side on IaaS / PaaS services.

Today, the preferred way is to consume managed services in SaaS form.

These are a few examples: Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace (Formerly Google G Suite), Salesforce Sales Cloud, Oracle ERP Cloud, SAP HANA, etc.

Limit the Blast Radius

To limit the “blast radius” where an outage or security breach on one service affects other services, we need to re-architect infrastructure.

Switching from applications deployed inside virtual servers to modern development such as microservices based on containers, or building new applications based on serverless (or function as a service) will assist organizations limit the attack surface and possible future breaches.

Example of these services: Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Azure Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Anthos, Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Run, Oracle Cloud Functions, etc.


The bottom line: organizations can increase their security posture, by using the public cloud to better protect their data, use the expertise of cloud providers, and invest their time in their core business to maximize value.

Security breaches are inevitable. Shifting to cloud services does not shift an organization’s responsibility to secure their data. It simply does it better.

Confidential Computing and the Public Cloud

What exactly is “confidential computing” and what are the reasons and benefits for using it in the public cloud environment?

Introduction to data encryption

To protect data stored in the cloud, we usually use one of the following methods:

· Encryption at transit — Data transferred over the public Internet can be encrypted using the TLS protocol. This method prohibits unwanted participants from entering the conversation.

· Encryption at rest — Data stored at rest, such as databases, object storage, etc., can be encrypted using symmetric encryption which means using the same encryption key to encrypt and decrypt the data. This commonly uses the AES256 algorithm.

When we wish to access encrypted data, we need to decrypt the data in the computer’s memory to access, read and update the data.

This is where confidential computing comes in — trying to protect the gap between data at rest and data at transit.

Confidential Computing uses hardware to isolate data. Data is encrypted in use by running it in a trusted execution environment (TEE).

As of November 2020, confidential computing is supported by Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV), based on AMD EPYC processors.

Comparison of the available options

PurposeMicroservices and small workloadsMachine Learning and AICloud and IaaS workloads (above the hypervisor), suitable for legacy applications or large workloadsCloud and IaaS workloads (above the hypervisor), suitable for legacy applications or large workloads
Cloud VM support (November 2020)
Cloud containers support (November 2020)
Operating system supportedWindows, LinuxLinuxLinuxLinux
Memory limitationUp to 128MBUp to 1TBUp to available RAMUp to available RAM
Software changesRequire software rewriteRequire software rewriteNot required

Reference Architecture

AMD SEV Architecture:

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Confidential Computing:


· Confidential Computing: Hardware-Based Trusted Execution for Applications and Data


· Google Cloud Confidential VMs vs Azure Confidential Computing


· A Comparison Study of Intel SGX and AMD Memory Encryption Technology


· SGX-hardware listhttps://github.com/ayeks/SGX-hardware

· Performance Analysis of Scientific Computing Workloads on Trusted Execution Environments


· Helping Secure the Cloud with AMD EPYC Secure Encrypted Virtualization


· Azure confidential computing


· Azure and Intel commit to delivering next generation confidential computing


· DCsv2-series VM now generally available from Azure confidential computing


· Confidential computing nodes on Azure Kubernetes Service (public preview)


· Expanding Google Cloud’s Confidential Computing portfolio


· A deeper dive into Confidential GKE Nodes — now available in preview


· Using HashiCorp Vault with Google Confidential Computing


· Confidential Computing is cool!


· Data-in-use protection on IBM Cloud using Intel SGX


· Why IBM believes Confidential Computing is the future of cloud security


· Alibaba Cloud Released Industry’s First Trusted and Virtualized Instance with Support for SGX 2.0 and TPM
